Please view the plan below which shows the proposed site location.
The site lies to the north-west of Barrow upon Soar. It is a proposed allocation (HA48) within the emerging Charnwood Local Plan, where Barrow upon Soar is identified as a ‘Service Centre’ due to the range of existing facilities and amenities within the village. Barrow upon Soar is expected to provide 703 new homes across several sites, with the focus of development being to provide the quantum of homes needed to secure community infrastructure, including schools.
The Local Plan allocation (HA48) is for 215 dwellings. HA48 does not include the whole of the site Bloor Homes is proposing. Bloor Homes has submitted representations to Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) to say that the whole site should be included. The reason for this is to allow vehicle access from Cotes Road and for the new primary school to be located on the site. To facilitate access from Cotes Road, the farmstead adjacent to Cotes Road would be relocated within the site.
A variety of house-types to reflect the housing mix specified by Charnwood Borough Council. 30% affordable housing.
A serviced site for a new, one-form entry primary school, with land for future expansion and financial contributions towards the cost of construction.
Including routes through and around the site providing opportunities for exercise and dog-walking.
Providing opportunities for informal recreation and relaxation including a children’s play area.
A new, on-site surface water drainage system with planting for wildlife.
Infrastructure to support electric vehicle charging, with all new dwellings provided with an EV point.
Vehicular access via a three-armed roundabout on Cotes Road and a new footpath along Cotes Road connecting to existing pedestrian facilities.
To off-site infrastructure which could include, for example, recreation and community facilities, healthcare, public transport and libraries.
Barrow upon Soar is classed as a ‘Service Centre’ within the Local Plan, offering a range of facilities including a pre-school, a primary school, a secondary school, a health centre, a community library, shops, a post office, community halls and places of worship. Leisure facilities include playing fields and sports clubs and a number of public houses, restaurants and takeaways.
The site is well connected to the village centre via Cotes Road and is served by public transport links including bus services to Loughborough and surrounding villages. Barrow upon Soar also benefits from a train station on the Midland Train Line and its location immediately adjacent to the A6 corridor means that it benefits from good connectivity to the wider highway network.
The proposals include a serviced site for the new one-form entry primary school that is required in Barrow upon Soar, together with land for future expansion and financial contributions. The location has been agreed with the promoters of the other allocated sites within the village, who are also contributing financially, and has been discussed with the Education Department at Leicestershire County Council(LCC) and with officers at Charnwood Borough Council(CBC) who consider the location acceptable.
The construction process would create new jobs and economic activity. The new development would also result in an increase in local spend, supporting shops and services within Barrow upon Soar and the wider area.
Bloor Homes’ proposals will include a range of house types in line with the latest housing needs evidence for Charnwood. The precise layout and detail of the homes will be agreed with Charnwood Borough Council during discussions on the Reserved Matters application, which will follow approval (subject to planning) of the Outline Application.
Thirty per cent of the new homes will be affordable housing, with a potential mix of social or affordable rent of 77% and intermediate (shared ownership) of 23%. The provision of a range of house types, sizes and tenures will widen the choice of housing in the area and ensure the creation of a mixed and cohesive community that is representative of the local population.
All new build dwellings will have electric vehicle charging facilities. Changes to building regulations to deliver the Government’s ‘Future Homes Standard’ means that from mid-2022, new homes will have a 31% reduction in CO2 when compared to current standards.
Further changes are due in 2025 that will mean a 75% reduction in CO2 when compared to today, along with a new focus on rating primary energy efficiency as well as CO2. Bloor Homes applies a ‘fabric first’ approach in their house type design. The fabric first approach has a number of clear benefits, notably that it is built into the property for its whole life.
The existing site is dominated by species-poor semi-improved grassland managed intensively through horse grazing. The woodland, stream and ponds will be retained and enhanced as part of the proposals. We will retain the perimeter hedges and trees (except where some loss is required to provide the access) and provide new hedgerows and trees in the green corridors within the site. The open space towards the northern edge will incorporate wildflower grassland and riparian planting, sensitively incorporating the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) features.
A central green space, including a children’s play area, will provide an important focal point for the community. The development will be served by a well-connected footpath/cycle network, including a footpath loop around the site.
Significant structural landscaping within and around the edges of the site, will reflect and enhance the local landscape character, integrate the proposed housing into the surrounding landscape and provide green corridors that link existing landscape features across the site.
The whole site is located within Flood Zone 1 and is at low probability of flooding. The northern edge of the site includes a watercourse that runs from Cotes Road to Nottingham Road. This area will incorporate sensitively designed Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) features to serve the development and provide value to wildlife. The location of the SuDS will respond to the natural topography of the site. Safety will be a key consideration in the design of these areas.
A foul water pumping station will be required to support the development. The site is well-located to benefit from existing services provision which run close to the site along Cotes Road.
Vehicle access to the site is proposed via a new, three-armed roundabout on Cotes Road. The frontage to the development will be thoughtfully designed to provide an attractive entrance to the village.
Pedestrian access to the centre of the village will be improved with the provision of a new footpath along Cotes Road. Existing pedestrian links from the site to Willow Road and the wider countryside will be retained.
The provision of an additional bus stop closer to the site will be considered (the nearest one being 500m to the south of the proposed site entrance on Cotes Road). Off-site highway improvements, together with measures to encourage sustainable travel, will be discussed with County Highways. A full Transport Assessment will be prepared and submitted as part of the planning application.
Bloor Homes will enter into a Section 106 Agreement with Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) and Leicestershire County Council (LCC) to provide necessary infrastructure and community facilities.
The package of on-site infrastructure and off-site contributions will be refined through engagement with service providers, including CBC and LCC once a planning application has been submitted and could include, recreation and community facilities, healthcare, public transport and libraries.
Bloor Homes, together with other housing developers in the area with sites in the Local Plan, will be contributing to the provision of a serviced site for a new primary school in Barrow-on-Soar.
An outline planning application is expected to be submitted during Summer 2022 after comments from this consultation have been considered. Following the submission of the planning application, Charnwood Borough Council will undertake a period of statutory consultation. At this stage you will have the opportunity to submit your comments to the Council before a decision is made. It is expected that the application will be determined by the Council later in 2022.
(subject to planning permission)
Thank you for reviewing the development proposals. Please take your time to complete this form and send feedback by 26 May 2022.
Bloor Homes has been building quality homes for 50 years and is now the largest privately-owned housebuilder in the UK. We have a proven track record in delivering successful new communities. We take great pride in delivering high quality and energy efficient homes and our designs have evolved over years of customer feedback. Bloor Homes is the highest rated national House Builder on the Trust Pilot review platform. For the third consecutive year, Bloor Homes is also proud to be named 5* Home Builder for Customer Satisfaction by the Home Builders Federation 2021.
Engage Planning Ltd, Warwick Innovation Centre, Warwick Technology Park, Warwick,
CV34 6UW Telephone: 01926 623095